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The Book of Humans: A Brief History of Culture, Sex, War and the Evolution of Us

Код: 2100014718
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Автор Адам Резерфорд
Издательство Orion Publishing
Cтраниц 262
Год 2019
ISBN 978-178-022-908-9
Обложка мягкая
Язык Английский
Формат 60х90/16 (155x215 мм.)

О книге The Book of Humans: A Brief History of Culture, Sex, War and the Evolution of Us

We like to think of ourselves as exceptional beings, but is there really anything special about us that sets us apart from other animals? Humans are the slightest of twigs on a single family tree that encompasses four billion years, a lot of twists and turns, and a billion species. All of those organisms are rooted in a single origin, with a common code that underwrites our existence. This paradox - that our biology is indistinct from all life, yet we consider ourselves to be special - lies at the heart of who we are.

In this original and entertaining tour of life on Earth, Adam Rutherford explores how many of the things once considered to be exclusively human are not: we are not the only species that communicates, makes tools, utilises fire, or has sex for reasons other than to make new versions of ourselves. Evolution has, however, allowed us to develop our culture to a level of complexity that outstrips any other observed in nature.

THE BOOK OF HUMANS tells the story of how we became the creatures we are today, bestowed with the unique ability to investigate what makes us who we are. Illuminated by the latest scientific discoveries, it is a thrilling compendium of what unequivocally fixes us as animals, and reveals how we are extraordinary among them.

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